Archive | government

The main issue in elections

How can we choose between the confusing array of election promises? The short answer is don’t vote for policies. Every policy is based on a worldview. So vote for the worldview you believe will be best for the nation as a whole.

Why? When circumstances change, which is sure to happen, the promised policies may also have to change. The new policies will, of course, be based on the worldview of those we elected.

Too many voters expect the future to be better if they vote for policies that appeal to their self-interest. In fact, the future will be much more influenced by the worldview of those they elect, which is why the worldview of politicians is far more important than their policies …

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Democracy does not exist

Patriotism is said to be the last refuge of scoundrels.  Passionate pleas for democracy are the last refuge of dictators.

North Korea is one of a string of “Democratic People’s” republics that have been brutally repressive dictatorships.  Democracy is a much abused word because it has never been defined satisfactorily.  Even Abraham Lincoln’s view of democracy as “government of the people for the people by the people” has never actually happened because it is impractical.

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Are We Headed for Poverty?

Leading Peruvian economist, Hernando de Soto took one hundred economists to every continent of the world to study the causes of national poverty.  Their findings are documented in de Soto’s book “The Mystery of Capital.”  It identifies the central cause of national poverty in the third world as …

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Separation of religion and government?

Few lies have been more destructive than the lie that government and religion can be separated – so called secularism.  “Secular” government has never existed and it never can.  It is an academic fallacy for three simple reasons:

  • all nations must have laws;
  • all laws are based on someone’s ideas of right and wrong (morality); and
  • all morality is a matter of religious belief.

This remains true whether laws are based on a theistic religion (one that believes in God) or a non-theistic religion, such as Humanism.  For decades Humanists pulled the wool over our eyes by claiming to be “secular” (an impossibility) while their own publications declare that they are a religion.

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Why migrants flock to ABCANZUS

ABCANZUS stands for Australia, Britain, Canada, New Zealand and the United States – the nations that inherited English Common Law.

The justice, freedom and prosperity enjoyed under governments in ABCANZUS countries, stand in stark contrast to the brutality and injustice endured under almost all other forms of government throughout history.

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