The master key to Christian values

A Christ-centred worldview places the highest value on:

  • God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit and
  • selfless loving relationships that bless God, our ‘neighbours’ and the whole creation

It places lowest value on rebellion against God.  That low rating reflects the eternal harm done to self, others and relationships by rebelling against God.  Examples already considered include the dishonest science, irrational philosophy and widespread despair flowing from rationalism’s decision to exclude God from its thinking.

Between a Christian worldview’s highest and lowest values are innumerable other values.  Various Christians may rank the relative importance of those other values differently, but all their values reflect the two highest values in some way.

Christ’s values are the only source of justice, freedom and prosperity

Christian civilisation has been uniquely successful in providing three things that people of all races and religions value so highly that they will emigrate for them; namely justice, freedom and prosperity.  Those three treasured blessings have only ever become widely available in communities where Christians have patiently applied Christ’s love-based values to their laws.  Click here to review the evidence.

Notably, laws based on Christ’s love-based values, such as common law, show no favouritism to Christians and provide real freedom of religion, making no attempt to force others to become Christians.

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