Evidence for intelligent design of the universe is emerging as the hottest issue in science. Why? Because science is encountering evidence of intelligent design for which neo Darwinian theory has no plausible explanation. (See the section headed “The science that underpins the Intelligent Design Movement”)
Rationalist spin doctors are fighting tooth and claw! Intelligent design, they say, is religion not science! It is like something out of “Yes Minister.” Lacking sound arguments, they are resorting to attacking the credibility of their opponents.
And they do see intelligent design as opponents. The discovery of intelligent design presents no threat to methodological naturalism,[1] but it demolishes metaphysical naturalism[2] – the rationalistic religion of the science establishment – that has corrupted science since Darwin.
[1] The scientific method that excludes the supernatural from science and sticks to the study of natural phenomenon and natural laws
[2] The unproven belief of most rationalist scientists, that there are no supernatural forces or entities and that there is a purely materialistic explanation for everything
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