Christians get their ideas about existence from the bible. Why do they do that? Is it reasonable, or just prejudice?
Christians of every generation have known that the universe is so complex, ordered, interdependent and huge that is must have been designed by a supremely intelligent and powerful creator. It is only in recent years that discoveries in microbiology and information science have enabled some of the world’s leading scientists (non-Christians) to make a valid scientific inference to intelligent design.
In the Cosmology Chapter you can revise the relevant statements by famous scientists like Prof Robert Jastrow, Sir Fred Hoyle, Dr Paul Davies, Dr Michael Behe and Dr Dean Kenyon. The scientific evidence is so strong that it changed the world’s most famous atheist, Prof Anthony Flew, who then wrote the book “There is a God.”
Clearly, the level of intelligence required to create the universe is vast. That is why Christians have believed for centuries that such an intelligent designer would not have failed to send us a “maker’s handbook” to guide His creation, which is how Christians regard the bible.
So Christians don’t believe the bible as a matter of tradition or prejudice. They revere it because:
- it is logical to expect such a communication from a highly intelligent designer and
- because it can be seen from history that the three things that bless everyone in a nation – justice, freedom and prosperity – have only ever been present in nations that allow Christian faith to flourish and apply Jesus’ love-based values to law and government.
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