Everything that excludes Christ eventually falls apart
The new creation in Christ is God’s instrument for permeating cultures and gradually putting an end to the tyranny of brutal government, poverty, disease and ultimately even entropy. When the new creation permeated intellectuals in the 17th century they invented science, which has the potential to overcome the tyranny of poverty and disease world-wide.
The founders of science got closer to a unified field of knowledge than ever before. It was a demonstration of Colossians 1:17 that “all things hold together in” Christ.
But when rationalism hijacked science, many scientists failed to accept their place in the new creation in Christ. The possibilities for a unified field of knowledge began to fall apart. Flawed and dishonest science began increasing as scientists became the ultimate Spin Doctors. Today they commonly use the fallacy of scientific objectivity to get media attention for self-serving ends such as capturing more funding, or spreading their brutal rationalist religion.
If that continues, rationalistic science will slowly fall apart. Science needs to recover its place in the new creation in Christ.
Philosophy found that rationalism couldn’t answer the big questions of life. Yet scientists clung to rationalism, which is why so many became religious humanists.
Philosophy then degenerated into the irrationality of existentialism, postmodernism and multi-cult-ism. So irrational are postmodernism and multi-cult-ism that they accept even culturally determined ‘truths’ that contradict each other.
Fanatical adherence to evolution, despite the cogent scientific evidence for intelligent design, suggests that science could also degenerate into irrationality. Because Humanism’s relative morality tolerates dishonesty, it is also undermining science. We will lose science if we forsake the ideal of absolute truth. But the leaders of science today are content to lie and cover up to protect their religious rationalism.
Entropy, disorder and disintegration will plague science until scientists return to the biblical presuppositions that established science. Romans 8:19-21 tells us why:
“19 For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God; 20 for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of him who subjected it in hope; 21 because the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and obtain the glorious liberty of the children of God.”
God’s “sons” are equipped to overcome tyranny, disorder and disintegration
What these verses tell us is that God’s “sons” are the hope of the whole creation, including both science and the scientists who don’t yet know Jesus. The “immeasurable greatness of God’s power in us who believe” (Ephesians 1:19) reorders and restores aspects of creation whenever Christians:
- allow themselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14)
- pay the price of loving with God’s unconditional love and
- exercise their God-given authority (Luke 10:19) as new creations in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17)
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