Deceitfulness comes easily to rationalists because they regard Christian standards of truthfulness as irrelevant. In their view, ‘truth’ and morality change with situations, times and changes in scientific knowledge. Unsurprisingly, therefore, they also use deceitful spin in their TV spectaculars that sell their rationalistic, evolutionary worldview.
Few things illustrate this better than their claim that life ‘evolved.’ Invariably in the media, rationalistic scientists present that claim as a scientific ‘fact.’ It beggars belief to imagine they don’t know their claim is fraudulent.
Evolutionary theory specifies slight random genetic changes (called mutations). If those changes enhance an organism’s chances of surviving, the changes will become more common in the population – but only if the organism can reproduce.
Things that are not alive can’t reproduce. So when rationalists claim that life evolved, they are telling us that living things “evolved” from non-living things that can’t reproduce. That is not evolution or science. It a fairy tale.
It is unscientific bunkum to say that life ‘evolved’ from non-living matter. Yet almost any night on TV some ‘scientific expert’ claims that in some imaginary ‘primordial soup’ non-living chemicals ‘evolved’ into a simple living cell.
Darwin shelved that idea in 1837. His jottings on the subject are in pages excised from his private notebooks, but now available online.[1] Perhaps that is why he titled his book “On the Origin of Species” rather than “On the Origin of Life.”
Darwin recorded the fact that evolution does not explain how life could have originated form non-living matter this way:
“… it is no valid objection [to his theory] that science as yet throws no light on the far higher problem of the essence or origin of life.” [2]
So Darwin theorised about the way simple species may have become more complex – not about the origin of life itself, which he put aside as a far higher problem that he hoped science might later resolve.
[2] Charles Darwin, “On the Origin of Species,” 3rd edition, 1861
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