The alternative to dishonest “science”

As shown under the previous heading, Rationalists want to impose UN government on the world.  They are using dishonest climate “science” to bring that about.  They want ‘carbon’ pricing schemes funding expensive new UN bureaucracies to redistribute wealth.  The effect would be to transfer wealth from honest poor people in rich countries to corrupt rich people in poor countries.  Everyone except the corrupt would be forced down the economic ladder.

A far better alternative would be to lift everyone up, by showing all nations how to tap into the source of prosperity.  ABCANZUS countries have the capacity to do that.  They are immigration magnets because their common law legal values  built the justice, freedom and prosperity that everyone wants.  (Read about the source of those legal values here).

Our policies should encourage all nations to adopt common law legal values.  We should also get alongside them as they try to build justice, freedom and prosperity.

Scientific knowledge has greatly increased our understanding of the world and fuelled wonderful innovation.  That has given scientists a high standing in our society.  Rationalists are misusing that standing to promote scams.

If their deceit continues there is every prospect the world could lose the benefits of science, which are critically dependent on open and honest inquiry.  This is a serious threat.

Climate “science” and its promoters in the media should be subjected to a judicial inquiry with power to compel witnesses and jail them for contempt if they lie.  As we saw in a previous section, even Einstein tried to stifle honest inquiry when science revealed flaws in his rationalistic religion.

That ends “Rationalist Ways of Knowing”.  Click here to progress to “Christian Ways of Knowing

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