Degradation – how Rationalist “knowledge” is poisoning ABCANZUS

If you’ve ever wondered why, in wonderful countries like Australia, Britain, Canada, New Zealand and the United States of America we have despair, drugs, violence and suicide, consider this.  Our countries are wonderful because our forebears, by trusting what Jesus said, developed love-based legal values that built and sustain justice, freedom and prosperity.  (The evidence is provided later under the heading “Testing the different approaches to the nature of existence”).

For the last 50 years, however, those love-based values have been under sustained attack.  It’s the classical brainwashing process of inversion, perversion and conversion.  First our values are tipped upside down – inversion.  Next we are encouraged to live those values – perversion.  Finally, we are shown ‘a better way’ – conversion.  (Click to see it charted like a military psychological operation)

Foremost in the attack on our values is multi-cult-ism.[1]  It was a product of the degeneration of rationalism.  After failing to find answers to the five big questions of life, rationalism began seeking answers in irrationality, which gave rise to existentialism, the drug culture, postmodernism and multi-cult-ism.

The irrationality of multi-cult-ism is demonstrated by the fact that it accepts all culturally determined ‘truths’ even when they contradict each other.  For example:

  • the ‘truth’ for some Hindus is that earth is riding on the back of an elephant, whereas
  • the ‘truth’ for Christians is that the earth is “in Christ” and held in space by His invisible power.[2]

A policy of multi-cult-ism not only imports multiple religions, it celebrates them.  Unsurprisingly, in such an accepting environment immigrants expect to use their votes to change our legal values.  They don’t understand, because no one bothers to teach them, that the justice, freedom and prosperity that drew them to our shores depend on Christian legal values.

Do we really want to inflict on our future generations the legal values of the countries that our immigrants chose to abandon?  Surely, we are not so blind that we believe that all ‘truths’ are equal and lead to equally valid values and fair outcomes.

The second aspect of the attack on the Christian legal values of common law countries comes from a different direction.  Rationalist academics and the journalists, judges and politicians they ‘educate’ have been busy subjecting our nation to UN ‘treaties’ that subvert our legal values with Godless rationalistic values.

In Australia, for example, they’re doing it in a very sneaky way.  Using the foreign affairs power, governments sign UN ‘treaties’ that change our laws without having to pass bills through parliament.  Voters seldom get to hear about it.  Yet the rationalistic values adopted are contrary to the beliefs of around 80% of the community.

Rationalistic legal values have underpinned the world’s bloodiest regimes since the French revolution in 1793.  In the 20th century, for example, although 24 million people died in battle in the two world wars, six times more (156 million) were killed on the orders of their own rationalistic governments.[3]

Some may be surprised that UN treaties use such legal values.  Part of the problem is that UN member nations are wracked by religious differences.  Also, 56% of the regimes that get a vote in the UN won’t give their own people an honest vote and often have brutal rulers and arbitrary laws.  Such an unwieldy assembly is forced to base UN ‘treaties’ on Godless rationalistic values to bypass what would otherwise be a cacophony of religious contention.

For common law countries, every UN ‘treaty’ adopted subverts the love-based values of Christ that sustain our justice, freedom and prosperity.  It is a heritage so unique that immigrants of every race and creed overwhelmingly choose common law countries as their preferred place of residence.  And it is so fair and impartial that its Christian legal values offer no favouritism to Christians and require no one to change their religion and become a Christian.

Multi-cult-ism and rationalistic legal values are causing the despair, degradation and gradual loss of justice, freedom and prosperity in common law countries.  Our best journalists and politicians can seldom explain these issues because they were taught by rationalist and multi-cult-ist academics.

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[1] This term for multiculturalism was coined by Australian Aboriginal Pastor Cedric Jacobs.  It highlights the fact that the word culture comes from the Latin word “cultus,” which means a religion.

[2] Colossians 1:17b  “… in Him all things hold together.”

[3] Full statistics available on the website of Professor R. J. Rummel, University of Hawaii at

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