Astonishingly, most of us got our worldview under intense emotional pressure with very little logical thought. Take the hypothetical case of Sean.
Sean was born into a Roman Catholic family. As a child, he thought of himself as a Catholic – not because he knew much about it, but because of his deep-seated emotional need to identify with his family. After puberty, his friends adopted the Greens political agenda. To gain their acceptance, and because a hot girl asked him, he went to protests: they sat chained together against bulldozers, saved beached whales, went to rallies for abortion and homosexual causes and voiced their disgust at capitalist “exploitation.”
At university Sean studied law. Pressure to pass exams left him little time to think, so he simply regurgitated his lecturers’ humanistic beliefs –some of which stuck. Eager to succeed as a barrister, he imitated his professor’s preference for humanist legal values. Capitalistic humanism, common among barristers, fuelled his desire for personal wealth, which quickly crowded out his ‘Green’ guilt feelings about capitalism.
In that emotional pressure cooker, Sean had adopted – often subconsciously – random elements of Catholicism, Green libertarianism and Humanism that contradicted each other. It was as if his glasses for interpreting the world were designed by a cruel optician to distort his view of reality.
Most problems between people, families and nations could be solved if we were all willing to get rid of truth decay in our worldview. The Spin Dentist gives you the tools to eradicate truth decay, which will enable you to:
- identify and resolve prejudices and opinions that contradict each other;
- evaluate beliefs in the light of their logical and historical outcomes; and
- clarify your core values.
A worldview overhaul will deepen your insight. You will be less impressed by fashionable ideas because you will know the outcomes of their underlying worldview. You will be better equipped to unmask a worldview’s logical flaws, expose its weaknesses and ridicule its absurdities.
Overall, it will make you a more authentic and successful person in every area of life. If that’s what you’re looking for, join with the many others that have used Spin Dentist resources to turn their lives around by developing a worldview that matches reality.
Click here to start eradicating truth decay from your worldview.
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